Help Robots Take Over The Internet: The Socialbots 2011 Competition


There’s been much done, and even more written about online influence and community. But it’s time to see who really has the biggest boots in town.

Today, we’re glad to announce the first-ever competitive event in the large scale robotic influence of online social groups. SOCIALBOTS 2011.

Teams will program bots to control user accounts on Twitter in a brutal, two-week, all-out, no-holds-barred battle to influence an unsuspecting cluster of 500 online users to do their bidding. Points will be given for connections created by the bots and the social behaviors they are able to elicit among the targets. All code to be made open-source under the MIT license.

It’s blood sport for internet social science/network analysis nerds. Winner to be rewarded $500, unending fame and glory, and THE SOCIALBOTS CUP.

Registration fee is $25 per team, payable by check or PayPal. Teams should sign up BY JANUARY 8th by sending an e-mail with contact information to

Currently, the schedule is as follows, though this is subject to change:
January 8: Registration Deadline
January 9 – January 22: Task Released and Bot Programming Begins
January 23 – February 6: Competition Live
February 7: Winner Announced