Researching Quantized Social Interaction

Category: Qualitative Study

The Revolutions Were Tweeted:

Information Flows During the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian Revolution By Gilad Lotan, Erhardt Graeff, Mike Ananny, Devin Gaffney, Ian Pearce, and danah boyd Web Ecology goes peer-review! In a new International Journal of Communication article, Web Ecologists Erhardt Graeff, Devin Gaffney, and Ian Pearce collaborated with friends of Web Ecology Gilad Lotan, Mike Ananny, and […]

Detecting Sadness in 140 Characters:

Sentiment Analysis and Mourning Michael Jackson on Twitter By Elsa Kim and Sam Gilbert with Michael J. Edwards and Erhardt Graeff Michael Jackson’s death created an emotional outpouring of unprecedented magnitude on Twitter. In this report, we examine 1,860,427 tweets about Jackson’s death in order to test various methods of sentiment analysis and gain insights […]